LEVEL 1 | LEVEL 2 | LEVEL 3 | LEVEL 4 | LEVEL 5 | |
Student Book with the Essential Online Resources reinforces classroom learning. The Essential Online Resources, a digital hub that includes additional interactive activities and printable resources, allows students to practice online any time, anywhere. The Essential Online Resources include the CCRS Reading and Writing Lessons in printable format. Each Student Book comes with an access code to the Essential Online Resources. Click on component cover to view the list of available samples for each level. | 9780134659572 | 9780134659558 | 9780134659541 | 9780134659534 | 9780134659527 | 9780134659510 |
Student Book with MyEnglishLab reinforces classroom learning. MyEnglishLab, an easy-to-use online learning management system, allows students to apply new language skills in online interactive activities and assessments any time, anywhere. MyEnglishLab also includes the CCRS Reading Lessons in both interactive and printable format and the CCRS Writing Lessons in printable format. Each Student Book comes with an access code to MyEnglishLab. Click on component cover to view the list of available samples for each level. | 9780134696133 |
9780134696140 | 9780134696157 |
9780134696164 |
9780134696171 |
9780134696188 |
Workbook with Audio CD gives students access to hands-on practice and additional listening practice. Click on component cover to view a sample. | 9780132409261 | 9780131991477 | 9780131991514 | 9780131991613 | 9780131991606 | 9780132409223 |
Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner includes extension activities designed to reach students at all levels with options for pair and group activities. Click on component cover to view a sample. | 9780132409285 | 9780131991453 | 9780131991491 | 9780131991538 | 9780131991576 | 9780132409247 |
ActiveTeach is a dynamic teaching platform that projects the student book pages with integrated tools to create more interaction in the classroom. | 9780132744683 | 9780132744690 | 9780132744706 | 9780132744713 | 9780132744737 | 9780132744744 |
Tests and Test Prep Book with ExamView ® Assessment Suite provides access to all tests allowing teachers to print out multi-level tests and to customize existing tests. Click on component cover to view a sample. | 9780132409292 | 9780132408783 | 9780132408806 | 9780132408820 | 9780132409193 | 9780132409254 |
Classroom Audio CDs provide practice with conversations, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and life skill competencies. Click on component cover to listen to audio program. | 9780132409278 | 9780132408790 | 9780132408813 | 9780132409186 | 9780132409216 | 9780132409230 |
Multilevel Communicative Activities Guide provides engaging reproducible activities and games. Click on component cover to view a sample. | 9780132408776 | 9780131991460 | 9780131991507 | 9780132679282 | 9780132679299 | 9780132679305 |
Teacher Training DVD gives practical tips and demo lessons to help teachers get the most out of using Future. | All Levels 9780132424226 | |||||
Click on DVD icon to view a video. Download the Viewing Guide here. |